1991 |
First and Second Master's degree on Chinese traditional shiatsu, Turin |
1996/04 |
Acquisition of the title of "Master of Universal and Human Energy",Turin |
1996/12 |
Special Seminar on the application of Chakra
6, Belgium. |
1997/08 |
World-wide conference on the Chinese Traditional Medicine, Geneva |
1998-2000 |
Seminar on deepening on the body massage,
the connectively massage, the massage relax. |
1999/10 |
Seminar "The lymphatic channel and the
lymphatic massage", Turin. |
2000/08 |
Special Seminar Studying Pyramid and Instructor
Training, Saint Louis, U.S.A. |
2000/12 |
Master's degree in Cranio Sacral Balancing, Turin. |
2001/01 |
Seminar on specialization on the reflex points of the
body and on the zonal massage, Como, Italy |
2002/08 |
Seminar on the development
of the latent abilities, Australia |
2004/03 |
Master's degree in Ayurvedica Medicine, Rome, Italy |
2004/03 |
Open University for Complementary Medicines,
M.D. (T.M.), Doctor of Medicines (Traditional Medicines)
University that boasts the high sponsorship O.N.U., U.N.I.C.E.F.
and O.M.S and the only one to the world in Complementary Studies.
Matter of bachelor: Bio-energetic Functional Re-education.
Title of thesis (in original language): "The Universal
Energy Applied To The Bio-Energetic Functional Re-Education Of The
Human Body".
2004/12 |
Obtainment of the Bio-Radiance attitude, Turin
First extra level on 6 levels with a score of 6545 you decimate on 6545. |
2005/03 |
Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy
Matter of bachelor: The studies you execute yourself on
the meridians and the energetic apparatus.
Title of thesis (in original language): "The
Universal Energy, the Acupuncture and The Bio-Energetic Functional
"Appendix To The Universal Energy Applied To The Bio-Energetic Functional
Re-Education Of The Human Body".
2005 |
Italian Version text and voice by Salvatore Leone The
Fifth Element Compilation, 11 Tracks |
2005/09 |
Hot stones massage, Milano. |
2006 |
Teacher for School for
Estethist, Turin |
2006/02 |
Hot stones massage, instructor training, Torino. |
2008/03 |
I.N.S.S Istituto Nazionale
Studio e Sviluppo della Rieducazione Funzionale. DR.
Salvatore Leone founder |
2009 |
ESTHETIC Abilitation,
Turin |
2010 |
Teacher on course of Hemolymphatic Massage,
Turin |
2010/03 |
Speaker in 30° Congresso di Estetica applicata, Milano Forum di
Assago. |
2011 |
G.H.O.S.T. Italy School
General Headquarter Olistic School Therapy.
DR Salvatore Leone fondatore |
2011/03 |
Speaker in
44ma edition of
Cosmoprof Worldwide, Bologna
2012 |
Olistic School Therapy |
2012/01 |
Teacher of SUN SALUTATION. |
2012/03 |
2012/05 |
"la bioenergetica" di Salvatore Leone Endo edizioni
2012/06 |
Audiobook "la Bioenergetica" di Salvatore Leone. Quantic
music by
Salvatore leone
2012/10 |
National Literary Prize
"Raymond Carver" 2012
2012/10 |
Esthetiworld by Cosmoprof. Malpensa
2012/11 |
E.N.D.O. Project ente nazionale
discipline olistiche
2012/11 |
peace e Love
2013/11 |
Bodydhrama Compilation Vol. 1, Music for the body,
words for Soul by Salvatore Leone