SURYA NAMASKARA. Sun Salutation Guided Salvatore Leone


To be a ROOT, breathing and tecniques of, meditation and tecniques of, guided meditation, telepathy.
Sun Salutation tecniques, the good practices every day, the12 position, presentation Guinnes world Record.
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Universal Energy Course Level 1°
Instructor Trainer 
Salvatore Leone M.D. (T.M.),  Ph.D
Master of Energy, Therapist of bioenergetic system

The course is for those who want to be closer to the profane world of Energy and led super thin. After With the first level you will get to the opening of 6 of your 7 main Chakras. You will also learn a technique of Yoga meditation and a technique for energy transfer. You will get a basic knowledge of Chakras and their locations. A certificate is provided to all participiants.
Courses info and registration at:
Is possible to sign up to Level I° course of Functional Rieducation.

Bioenergetic Functional Rieducation Level 1°
Instructor Trainer  Salvatore Leone M.D. (T.M.),  Ph.D
Master of Energy, Therapist of bioenergetic system

The course is suggested to those who work within the wellness field - like beauticians, etc. - in the healing field - like physiotherapists, doctors, masseurs, etc. - but it can also be a good opportunity for whoever wants to conduct HIS CONCEPT OF LIFE.

In our everyday life, to be ready to get in contact with other people helps resolving any problem, either at a physical or energetic level.

With Level 1° the participant learns a technique for body treatment by managing how to download the nervous tension coming from an imbalance of energy and traumas as an ongoing back or cervical column pains. Move your first steps towards the World Energy, the energy conduits of the human body and Traditional Chinese Medicine in general! This will give you the chance to find out the importance of their development and knowledge. Discover how a body can become an energy unit to be known, treated, loved, respected and taken care of in order to free the tensions of our daily life.

Since 2007 Salvatore Leone, as a reporter and teacher, has been creating working groups throughout Italy and wherever his presence is required. These groups study and develop the concept the Functional Rieducation Bioenergetic which is the study of the human body in all its forms. Further information and prices.